Paolo Buggiani, Piazza del Duomo Milano 2010
Paolo Buggiani is a real legend in the Street Art world. He is one of those who still, despite his age, puts body and soul in his art without paying much attention to awards, galleries and money. I met him in Rome in 2008, when I invited him to participate in Scala Mercalli exhibition: his installations and especially its performances are still alive in my memory. But even more vivid is the presence of his person, always kind and polite and ready to tell anecdotes of a life that, from New York to Bogota to Rome, it’s been a continuous adventure. In these photos it’s shown one of his “classic” (illegal) performance in the middle of Piazza del Duomo in Milano in 2010, with the help of all of us under the coordination of Atomo Tinelli with special guest my dear friend Dane VOP from London.
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