PUSHA! Long Distance Skateboarding Marathon – Milano 2016

PUSHA! is an informal long distance skateboarding race which is held on a 20km distance (half marathon).

There are few races of this kind in the world (although during the last years they have grow up everywhere, especially in the US), and the fact that Milano has held for the second time such a competition is quite an extraordinary event, considered the modest space where skateboarding is always relegated in the city.

But there’s more. Also its model is unique because it is an event completely self-managed and made possible by voluntary and free participation of all, including riders. Imagine a critical mass in “race mode” and maybe the situation will be clearer.

Therefore the atmosphere you can breath is that of a family party, where the competitive spirit of the individual is equal to their great sportsmanship.

In 2016 the race was held inside the Lambro Park: a choice dictated by the desire to broaden the participation of people and at the same time the recognition to a place that with its historic skate bowl is always a favorite of skaters Milanesi .

Down here a selection of photos of the event, please visit PUSHA! website for more images and info!

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