Category: Skateboarding

Nella foto: oldschool long distance and slalom skateboarding master Lorenzo per le strade di Milano. Dopo anni passati a spostarmi con uno skateboard per le strade di Milano posso provare ad offrire qualche consiglio a chi vuole utilizzare le skate come …

Long Distance Skateboarding: 5 cose da sapere per sopravvivere in strada Read More »

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Gli articoli di questo sito sono in inglese ma alcuni di quelli relativi allo Skateboarding su lunghe distanze sono in italiano. Il motivo è semplice: divulgazione. Nonostante lentamente qualcosa si muova anche in Italia, si tratta pur sempre di un …

Long Distance Skateboarding: dove iniziare Read More »

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PUSHA! is an informal long distance skateboarding race which is held on a 20km distance (half marathon). There are few races of this kind in the world (although during the last years they have grow up everywhere, especially in the …

PUSHA! Long Distance Skateboarding Marathon – Milano 2016 Read More »

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My friend Paolo Salmoirago just sent me this great photo report, exactly one year after the event… nice memories and nice photos, grazie mille Paolo!

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This video is ready almost one year later but better late than never! Night skateboard/longboard/scooter/push-bike ride to promote a more green way of movin and living our cities.

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Many long distance skateboarders in the World use Endomondo App for their trainings: this is not the best fitness app around, but it can build sport communities like small social networks. In the last years, LDP has grown up using …

First Endomondo italian long distance skateboarding challange: LDP Italy Max KM 2016 Read More »

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