Airone Croks Persue – London 1998
I have been to London many times, but the first time I have wanted to paint there was in 1998. My contacts with the English scene were solely related to the fact I was exchanging magazines between Tribe Mag and Graphotism. So first thing, having no other hooks, I went to Graphotism’s headquarter to see if they could put me in touch with some trusted name.
I remember at that time Graphotism was located on the top floor of the old record store Mr. Bongo, in Soho. They advised me to go outside of a building that was hosting a streetwear trade fair where Prime (that if I’m not mistaken at that time collaboreted with Graphotism) should have been live painting. It was not hard to find him, accompanied by another writer, Pulse. Despite not knowing me, both were extremely cold towards me. Prime simply said that he had no time to help me. Pulse, while browsing Tribe’s pages (that I had brought in homage to introduce myself in some way), laughed and said that he never imagined that in Italy there were writers (it was 1998…) and that our pieces’ styles “looked really strange”. My girlfriend, who accompanied me, immediatly dragged me away before the situation deterioreted. Even today, the episode is completely incomprehensible to me.
After a few days, I returned to the Graphotism’s office to bring the amount of Tribe Magz that we had agreed to exchange. I told that the meeting with Prime was disappointing and it was at this point that they made a call to a friend of them that maybe could have helped me. This guy said to be available and gave me a phone appointment for the next day: this was how I became friend with Croks. Croks proved to be the exact opposite of Prime and Pulse: so finally I painted in London! But most important I got a new friend and I was fortunate to meet one of the greatest stylers I’ve ever known… the photo speaks clearly: Croks’ piece is still actual today (2015). Over the years I got to meet and paint with Croks other times, in London and Milano, and thanks to him I met other cool writers from London with whom friendship continues to this day. Not all bad things comes to harm.
This photo is stolen from Skore, old Croks TRC partner (and great great writer!) on whose Flickr you’ll find all Croks pieces. Thanx mate!
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