Tag: Airone

Per un periodo degli anni ’90 gli irriducibili dei treni in crew fummo io, Done e Clock. Eravamo esperti e sapevamo di poterci fidare l’un l’altro. Done e Clock non possedevano un’auto e quindi tenevano costantemente d’occhio tutte le yard locali delle …

Trainspotting Milano Read More »

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If you’re sketching to prepare a street production, you’re free to use every kind of trick. Few black & white lines can be enough: the rest of the idea is drawn in your mind ready to be used when needed. …

Good sketching it’s not that easy Read More »

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Photo courtesy of Jacopo De Marco, all rights reserved. My dear friend KayOne just discovered this old illegal street piece dated 1990: wow! Believe me, I really dont remember anything about this piece, how or where it has been painted, …

New name, first hits – Milano 1990 Read More »

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There are many reasons why I love this piece: it has been painted at the glorious Pontano hall of fame during an era when painting there it still meant something. Just very few people were authorized by oldschool kings Sten …

When you try your best – Via Pontano, Milano 1997 Read More »

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I don’t paint trains anymore since decades, but there was a time in the mid 90’s when this was a real novelty in Italy and my quest for innovation and growth also came from this fire. For family reasons, those …

Train spotting, Milano 90s Read More »

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Under the Brunelleschi overbridge in Milano with my friend Yazo. First and last time in my life I have ever painted graffiti with gold or bronze (some unknown italian bad spraycan brand)! But I still love it, flow is still …

Gold and bronze wildstyle, Milano 1996 Read More »

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