K by – not yet – Airone
This is probably my 3rd piece, year 1989, but first one of many painted in friends’ rooms, something very intoxicating but really usefull to take your time and improve. The two pieces I painted in street before this one left me excited but definetly not satisfied. I had seen some fast hits by Atomo and Swarz really near my home and I knew it was possible to do better. But how? No books, no magazines, no internet… no one to ask. Almost impossible to get in touch with one of the few writers active in the city (10/15 people on 1.500.000 inhabitants). Colors I found were a deadly mixture of Talken and Very Well cans. The smell was terrible and they were harmful to inhale, they contained a gas that worked as solvent too, the european manufacturing laws changed few years later.
Luckily Alfredo, a school friend known as ‘Kappa‘ with whom I shared my rock/heavy/hardcore music passion, had started being infected by the same color’s virus. He offered to me to paint a small side of his room: we worked together and it took a whole afternoon ’cause we had quite a lot of problems with the silver color, we didn’t know it would have required a little bit more of experience. Hey I know it looks funny but please check out our nasty nasty tries: the light reflex effects, the K loops and the beautiful colors fadings! The tag on top was NHO, my first attempt to find a new personality ah ah ah…
Thanks Kappa, it’s been a great time.
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