Tag: Milano Graffiti

Per un periodo degli anni ’90 gli irriducibili dei treni in crew fummo io, Done e Clock. Eravamo esperti e sapevamo di poterci fidare l’un l’altro. Done e Clock non possedevano un’auto e quindi tenevano costantemente d’occhio tutte le yard locali delle …

Trainspotting Milano Read More »

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While searching for the right flow, you may generate an accidental little gem. I never tried to develop this style anymore after this time, but I still love this piece, it’s just missing a nice simple background. …that old original …

Accidental little gem on steel, Milano 1997 Read More »

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If you’re sketching to prepare a street production, you’re free to use every kind of trick. Few black & white lines can be enough: the rest of the idea is drawn in your mind ready to be used when needed. …

Good sketching it’s not that easy Read More »

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When it comes to graffiti it is often mistakenly believe that the term Wild Style indicates an illegible tangle of letters full of lines and arrows, as if you had taken your name and you had woven a crown of …

Wild Style means Wild Read More »

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Photo courtesy of Jacopo De Marco, all rights reserved. My dear friend KayOne just discovered this old illegal street piece dated 1990: wow! Believe me, I really dont remember anything about this piece, how or where it has been painted, …

New name, first hits – Milano 1990 Read More »

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There are many reasons why I love this piece: it has been painted at the glorious Pontano hall of fame during an era when painting there it still meant something. Just very few people were authorized by oldschool kings Sten …

When you try your best – Via Pontano, Milano 1997 Read More »

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