KayOne, Price, Airone, Rush – Christmas 1990 – Piazza del Duomo, Milano
This image well represents my roots: school’s friends, Dupli-colors and the streets of Milano during night-time.
It was a cold night of December 1990 and KayOne together with Craze had planned a mad hit right in the heart of Milano.
The place was carefully selected to do not make any sort of damage to monuments, and it was a very ruined wall at the corner of Via Palazzo Reale with Piazza del Duomo. We were 6. In the photo two people are missing: Craze and Chief. One was making the photo and the other one was checking the streets around for guards. The piece was a very simple and readable “Natale 90”, silver + black outline. It was our way to say Happy Christmas to the city. The action took ages ’cause of the military cars that every few minutes patrol the surroundings of the cathedral… but we did it! The sign was only MNP, tough I wasn’t in the crew. We all still make jokes of KayOne’s jacket, hey look at that silver spots in the photo! It was a brand new, expensive, Barbour jacket and it was his Christmas gift, although it was arrived just a couple of days in advance and he could not wait to wear it… way back to home with him has been hilarious…
Ore 7.30 del giorno dopo, bombing rimosso… tutto tranne l’argento del mio giubbotto!