I don’t paint trains anymore since decades, but there was a time in the mid 90’s when this was a real novelty in Italy and my quest for innovation and growth also came from this fire. For family reasons, those …
I don’t paint trains anymore since decades, but there was a time in the mid 90’s when this was a real novelty in Italy and my quest for innovation and growth also came from this fire. For family reasons, those …
Under the Brunelleschi overbridge in Milano with my friend Yazo. First and last time in my life I have ever painted graffiti with gold or bronze (some unknown italian bad spraycan brand)! But I still love it, flow is still …
Back 2 The Roots Jam, proudly and well organized by my dear friend KayOne, lasted 3 days and ended up in the whole renovation of the old THP hall of fame in Giambellino, Milano. I was so happy and excited …
A couple of rare pieces painted at the old THP hall of fame in Giambellino, Milano, where the message is not my name. First one on the left “CONTRO POTERE” means “COUNTERAUTHORITY ” and it’s explanation is in the Milan …
Very nice day chilling and painting with almost all the crew at the Ippodromo di Milano wall. Still very satisfied with the sponsored colors (the new Loop spray cans) and some little detail. Overall flow in this freestyle piece feels …
Non si è obbligati ad accettare un’incarico o abbracciare un progetto, così quando poco prima dell’estate Atomo mi ha chiesto se avrei voluto partecipare a questa sua bella idea, ho detto di si. So che ci teneva ed era da …