I was called by Sara Allevi to paint this canvas at the streetwear fair in Firenze in 2006 in the ex Stazione Leopolda, where the event was held. After a fantastic night out around a beautiful Firenze with Sara, KayOne, …
I was called by Sara Allevi to paint this canvas at the streetwear fair in Firenze in 2006 in the ex Stazione Leopolda, where the event was held. After a fantastic night out around a beautiful Firenze with Sara, KayOne, …
Nel 2006 Alessandro Mininno mi ha chiesto di scrivere un testo relativo ai media e al loro rapporto con i graffiti per la pubblicazione che avrebbe accompagnato la mostra-evento MiNameIs. Questo evento artistico si è svolto contemporaneamente in vari luoghi …
It just sounds great when people pay to invite you to a party! Can we say we rocked it?!? Yes yes YOOOO! Really cool week-end of vapours in Drammen with my friends Clock, Loze, Kid and Jame, check out all …